December 23, 2016
If you're looking for the nativity set, you can find it here:
April 25, 2012
Moved to Tumblr

Updating two blogs with the same content seemed a bit silly so I decided to move to Tumblr.
I hope to see you there!
April 18, 2012
Reading girl
I love reading but I dislike ugly bookmarks. So I created one!
I've been updating two blogs (Blogspot and Tumblr) for the last 3 months and I'm thinking of switching to Tumblr permanently. It's quite a bit of work updating two blogs, Flickr, Dribbble, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.
Any objections? Please let me know. :)
April 17, 2012
Kunstroute Emmen 2012
I'm participating in Kunstroute Emmen, which I do every year. Next weekend, April 21 and 22, my house is open for everyone who is interested in seeing how I work and is curious about the art that I make.
A big part of my work is exhibited in my living room, which we cleared out for the weekend. I also offer original art, cards, badges and other items for sale.
You can also enroll yourself for a drawing workshop that I will giving in the summer.
» Download the flyer here
Ook dit jaar doe ik weer mee met de Kunstroute Emmen. In het weekend van 21 en 22 april 2012 is mijn huis geopend voor iedereen die een kijkje wil nemen. Een groot deel van mijn werk heb ik opgehangen en ook bied ik originele werken, kaarten, buttons en andere kleinigheden te koop aan.
Ook kun je je inschrijven voor een workshop tekenen die ik in de zomer zal geven.
» Download de flyer hier

A big part of my work is exhibited in my living room, which we cleared out for the weekend. I also offer original art, cards, badges and other items for sale.
You can also enroll yourself for a drawing workshop that I will giving in the summer.
» Download the flyer here
Ook dit jaar doe ik weer mee met de Kunstroute Emmen. In het weekend van 21 en 22 april 2012 is mijn huis geopend voor iedereen die een kijkje wil nemen. Een groot deel van mijn werk heb ik opgehangen en ook bied ik originele werken, kaarten, buttons en andere kleinigheden te koop aan.
Ook kun je je inschrijven voor een workshop tekenen die ik in de zomer zal geven.
» Download de flyer hier

April 12, 2012
Birth announcement / Geboortekaartje
A while ago I was contacted by a young woman, Marissa. She saw my work on Etsy and asked if I made custom birth announcements. I never did one before but I'm always up for making illustrations. :)
I wanted to make something different. Most cards have only the baby on the front of the card while I think it's more about the creation of a new family.
I suggested this to Marissa and her husband and both liked this idea very much. They gave me a lot of freedom creating the card which resulted in a better illustration.
Welcome little Oliver!

Marissa and her husband are truly AMAZING people. They will make fantastic parents, without a doubt. To thank them for the lovely assignment I also printed the illustration on a cute onesie for Oliver.
I wanted to make something different. Most cards have only the baby on the front of the card while I think it's more about the creation of a new family.
I suggested this to Marissa and her husband and both liked this idea very much. They gave me a lot of freedom creating the card which resulted in a better illustration.
Welcome little Oliver!

Marissa and her husband are truly AMAZING people. They will make fantastic parents, without a doubt. To thank them for the lovely assignment I also printed the illustration on a cute onesie for Oliver.

custom illustration
April 09, 2012
Lente Parade: creative and original products for sale
Me and my stuff are participating in a small art and design fair next saturday and sunday (April 14 and 15) at Dynamo Expo in Enschede (Netherlands). If you're looking for original art and design pieces, do swing by! :)
Mijn spullen en ikzelf staan a.s. zaterdag en zondag (14 en 15 april) op verkoopmarkt bij Dynamo Expo in Enschede. Ben je nog op zoek naar originele kunst en design spullen, kom dan gerust even langs!

Mijn spullen en ikzelf staan a.s. zaterdag en zondag (14 en 15 april) op verkoopmarkt bij Dynamo Expo in Enschede. Ben je nog op zoek naar originele kunst en design spullen, kom dan gerust even langs!

April 04, 2012
Greeting cards with illustration of Bear and Girl
Meet my new buddies: Bear and Girl. An odd couple but best friends nonetheless.
I got a series of greeting cards starring these two in my shop.

» Get yourself some Bear and Girl greeting cards
I got a series of greeting cards starring these two in my shop.

» Get yourself some Bear and Girl greeting cards
April 03, 2012
Books I like: Virginia Wolf by Kyo Maclear and Isabelle Arsenault
I love the illustrations of Isabelle Arsenault. They're dreamy, light, full of colour. I already had another book illustrated by her, Migrant, which I absolutely loved.
Her newest book, Virginia Wolf, is an absolute must-have too. The colours are so lively and it's like the illustrations are dancing on the words. The handwritten text suits the pages perfectly.

Her newest book, Virginia Wolf, is an absolute must-have too. The colours are so lively and it's like the illustrations are dancing on the words. The handwritten text suits the pages perfectly.

books I like
March 30, 2012
New items in my shop
I got some new items in my shop, including prints and of course That 17th Hat. So if you need a cute gift or if you want to spoil yourself a bit: go ahead! :)
» Visit my shop
» Visit my shop
March 27, 2012
'What I Wore Today'-book by Gemma Correll is out!
Don't you love it when the mailman brings packages? Especially illustration related packages. Today he brought me the What I Wore Today book, by Gemma Correll. There's a drawing by me in it too. How cool! :D
Look! There's my drawing, right in the middle!
The book looks great. Plenty of pages to draw your own style of the day and some tips.
Look! There's my drawing, right in the middle!
The book looks great. Plenty of pages to draw your own style of the day and some tips.
what i wore today
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